2025-2026 SCHOLARSHIP Program
The Renaissance Fund, NFP (“The Renaissance Fund”) awards scholarships to eligible undergraduate and graduate students attending eligible educational institutions[1] within the United States. The Renaissance Fund encourages all students to apply, however students must have a demonstrable financial need. Scholarships are awarded in the amount of $5,000 and are for the purpose of providing educational assistance to recipients with true financial need who are of Greek heritage or are actively involved with the Orthodox Christian faith.
Links to the Application and Budget Form required for The Renaissance Fund’s Scholarship Program are provided below. Please make sure to read the instructions very carefully. The Scholarship Application must be filled out in its entirety. Students must submit a complete application as well as provide all of the required supporting documentation to The Renaissance Fund to be considered for a scholarship. (See list below and Checklist for details). Make sure to include the Checklist as the top page of the completed application. It is the responsibility of each student to ensure their application is complete. The Renaissance Fund will not consider incomplete or late applications. Please type or print clearly.
The Scholarship Application Form can be found here.
The Budget Form can be found here.
Selection of Scholarship awards will be based on the following information:
• An Applicant’s financial need may be demonstrated in many ways, including but not limited to, one or more of the following:
1) Amount of household income;
2) Single parents household as a result of death or divorce;
3) Total student loan debt to date;
4) Number of siblings attending college;
5) Parent disability or retirement;
6) Significant medical expenses incurred for the care and treatment of yourself or an immediate family member; or
7) Other extenuating or unforeseen circumstances causing financial strain or the accumulation of necessary debt.
• Applicant’s GPA and academic standing
• Applicant’s Personal Statement of Financial Need prepared in compliance with The Renaissance Fund NFP’s Anti-ChatGPT Policy:
The Renaissance Fund, NFP’s Anti-ChatGPT Policy. Artificial intelligence (“AI”) language models, such as ChatGPT, may not be used for or in the preparation of your Personal Statement. This prohibition includes and is not limited to: incorporating any part of an AI generated response into your Personal Statement; and using AI to brainstorm, formulate arguments, or template ideas for your Personal Statement. The Renaissance Fund has sole discretion in reviewing the Personal Statements for usage of AI language models. Any Personal Statement, which The Renaissance Fund believes was created using AI, will be assumed to be plagiarized and the Applicant disqualified from consideration for a Scholarship Award.
• Overall quality and completeness of the Applicant’s application package
• Applicant’s Letter of Recommendation
Scholarship applications and required documentation are to be submitted in one (1) envelope by mail, overnight delivery to:
The Renaissance Fund, NFP
Attn: Scholarship Committee
216 S. Jefferson St., Suite 301
Chicago, IL 60661
or if by email, applications and required documentation are to be submitted in ONE SINGLE COMBINED PDF to with “(Your Name) Scholarship Application” contained in the subject line of the email. PLEASE NOTE: PICTURE FILES OR SCREENSHOT ATTACHMENTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
Scholarship Applications must be postmarked in the case of mailing or received in the case of emailing by April 1, 2025. LATE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
The Renaissance Fund will announce decisions of Scholarship Awards on or before August 1, 2025.
The Renaissance Fund will disburse the first half of a Recipient’s Scholarship Award in August of 2025, and second half of the Scholarship Award in January of 2026. Scholarship Awards must be issued to an eligible educational institution and cannot be issued to a Recipient.
Any questions should be directed to The Renaissance Fund at with “Scholarship Committee” contained in the subject line.
NOTE: The Renaissance Fund is committed to protecting the security and integrity of all information provided by an applicant. All financial information and/or documents disclosed to The Renaissance Fund through the application process, (“Protected Financial Information”) will be protected and kept confidential. The Renaissance Fund will not directly or indirectly sell, trade, or otherwise disclose your Protected Financial Information.
[1] “An eligible educational institution is a school offering higher education beyond high school. It is any college, university, trade school, or other post-secondary educational institution eligible to participate in a student aid program run by the U.S. Department of Education.”